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           Sup! Thanks a lot for admiring to know about the designer of this website. I am so grateful to you that you want to know me. Once again thanks a lot , and please you are being reminded to send to me every comment and suggestions about this website in the " Comments" section.

You are warmly welcome to this page!!!


                                     Myself || Educational Background || Family || Friends || Interests   

 A. Myself


  My name is Godfred Kusi Fosu but my friends call me "God's friend". I come from Sunyani known as Sun-city, and the capital city of the Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana. I was born on August 6, 1984 and the third child out of four children. I think this is enough about my self.

 B. Educational Background

  I started my elementary education at Sacred Heart Primary in the year 1990. In 1994, I went Christ International Preparatory to continue my basic education and graduated successfully in August 1999. In January 2000, I had admission to read Science at St James Seminary & Secondary in Sunyani, Ghana, and came out in August 2002. Currently I am a second semester Computer Science student at All Nations University, Koforidua also in Ghana.

 C. Family


 Most African Countries practice the extended family system which Ghanaians are included. As I have already acknowledged, I am the third child out of four children. Ernest the eldest is currently doing his masters degree program in Law at the United States. Edward the second is a trader and Bernice the youngest is in her second year in the Senior Secondary School in Ghana.

D. Friends

I like learning and sharing from friends and so I have a lot of friends. I seek to learn from you as well; so please send me a mail, and let us continue to love, learn and share knowledge. Please be a friend who likes sharing and you will never regret.







E. Interest

There are so many interests I like. Among all, I am very interested in soccer but it's unfortunate that I  don't know how to play it. I also enjoy basketball, athletics, boxing and music. I like R&Bs or cool music.

Please this website would be updated regularly in order for my viewers to know much about myself and other important events that would take place in Ghana and Africa  as a whole.

Your comments are always welcome!!!

Send me email.